What are the Benefits of Going to a Private University?

Private University BenefitsAll students must decide between attending a public college or a private university, and some find that the benefits of private university studies far outweigh the advantages of attending a public school. While public colleges are often more affordable, students who attend private colleges often find that those schools offer more benefits in the way of the classes they take, the professors they study under and even the friends they make. Those choosing between public and private schools should look at all the potential benefits and advantages.

Lower Class Sizes

One of the primary benefits of private university is the lower class sizes. When you attend a major public college, you might take classes in lecture halls filled with hundreds of other students with one professor leading the entire group. Private colleges may have 20 or fewer students for every professor on campus, and you may even take classes with just a handful of other students. This allows the professor to focus on one on one learning and gives teachers the chance to work with each individual student and help each student do better in the class.

More Networking Opportunities

Networking plays a key factor in your future success. Networking opportunities held on campus let you meet with former students and those in the community who can help you find part time jobs and internships that can lead to full time employment after graduation. While public colleges offer networking opportunities for students, you’ll often find hundreds of other students attending those events and competing against you for those coveted spots. You generally have a better chance to finding a job or landing an internship at a networking event on a private college.

Higher Financial Aid Packages

According to Fox Business, while the cost of attending a private university is higher than the cost of attending a public university, private colleges often have more financial aid available. Schools base the amount of financial assistance a student needs on his or her responses to the Free Application for Student Financial Aid compared to the cost of attending that school. A student may only receive a few thousand dollars to attend a public school but get twice as much for enrolling in a private institution. Private colleges may also pay students more for working on campus and have more scholarships, grants and other financial aid programs than public colleges do.

Quality of Education

When looking at the benefits of private university, students should also think about the quality of the education that they receive. Those attending private schools often have more opportunities than those attending public schools do. The professors working in private institutions typically have more experience and come from a research background, and those professors have experience in fields that public university teachers do not. Students may also find that private colleges offer more specialized classes and give them the option of developing a curriculum that works within the field of study they select.

Related Resource: Difference Between a Public and Private University

Public colleges are generally more affordable for students, but those programs may lack some of the diversity that private colleges have. Private schools have lower class sizes and a better quality of education. Other benefits of private university may include that those schools offer more networking opportunities for students and give students more assistance in the form of financial aid.