How Do You Know if You Should Drop a Class?

When it comes to dropping a college class, the decision is rarely easy. It’s never a good idea to quit a class because it is merely challenging. One of the most important aspects of the college experience is learning how to achieve goals, study uninteresting subjects and pass academically hard exams. That being said, even the most studious or dedicated students may enter a class that isn’t a good fit for the reasons listed below.

Easy vs. Hard

The idea of taking an easy class makes sense when the rest of the student’s schedule is full of difficult courses. If the goal of attending college is to learn, being the smartest student in the classroom actually won’t help because those who dominate discussions and breeze through assignments are wasting their time. This is especially true if the class contains core content related to a future career.

Taking classes that contain a manageable level of rigorousness will help students academically succeed in the future. In contrast, some students purposely take very difficult classes thinking that it will automatically force them to become a better student and achieve higher grades. A student who simultaneously takes too many difficult classes will simply fall behind and end up having to re-pay for another class in the future.


Certain people think that college is important because it teaches students how to be responsible and independent. Many older adults will encourage college students to take early classes in order to train their bodies to adjust to new changes and environments. They often cite the facts that most companies expect employees to be at work at eight o’clock and tardiness may result in loss of employment.

While this is true, more and more companies offer flexible scheduling, telecommuting and opportunities to make up missed time. Instead of taking an early class, learn how to better schedule and manage your time. Some students may look at taking night classes, but these also only make sense for students who are naturally night owls. Students should drop unproductive classes that conflict with their body’s natural rhythms.

Boring and Uninspiring

Certain classes for certain students will be uninteresting. This may be because of the professor, textbook or classroom style. A professor of history who uses strategy and tactical video games to illustrate and engage students will be more successful than one who simply requires students to read ancient texts. If you dread attending the class in question, think about what bothers you and try to make some positive changes before you actually drop the class.

Because there are always core classes that must be taken to fulfill the degree requirements, so be sure to ask around and verify which classes and professors are best. Most universities are starting to offer online review platforms that allow students to provide feedback concerning their professors. One of the most popular websites is RateMyProfessors, which boasts over one million professors and 15 million reviews.

Dropping a college class that uses impersonal PowerPoint presentations in a large lecture hall is a good idea. Try to select smaller classes that provide more one-on-one attention and intimate discussions.

See also: What Steps are Needed To Change Majors in College?